Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
10. Torosyan, K., Wang, S., Mack, E. A., Van Fossen, J. A., & Baker, N. (2023). Assessing the impact of technological change on similar occupations: Implications for employment alternatives. PLOS ONE, 18(9): e0291428. (open access)
9. Schuster, A. M., Agrawal, S., Britt, N., Sperry, D., Van Fossen, J. A., Wang, S., Mack, E. A., & Cotten, S. R. (2023). Will automated vehicles solve the truck driver shortages? Perspectives from the trucking industry. Technology in Society, 74, 102313. View PDF (preprint)
8. Wang, S., Mack, E. A., Van Fossen, J. A., Medwid, L., Cotten, S. R., Chang, C. -H., Mann, J., Miller, S. R., Savolainen, P. T., & Baker, N. (2023). Assessing alternative occupations for truck-drivers in an emerging era of autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives.
7. Van Fossen, J. A., Schuster, A. M., Sperry, D., Cotten, S. R., & Chang, C.-H. (2023). Concerns, career decisions, and role changes: A qualitative study of perceptions of autonomous vehicles in the trucking industry. Work, Aging, and Retirement, waac037.
6. Agrawal, S., Schuster, A. M., Britt, N., Mack, E. A., Tidwell, M. L., & Cotten, S. R. (2023). Building on the past to help prepare the workforce for the future with automated vehicles: A systematic review of automated passenger vehicle deployment timelines. Technology in Society, 72, 102186. (open access)
5. Van Fossen, J. A., Chang, C.-H., Ford, J. K., Mack, E. A., & R. Cotten, S. (2022). Identifying alternative occupations for truck drivers displaced due to autonomous vehicles by leveraging the O*NET database. American Behavioral Scientist, 0(0).
4. Sperry, D., Schuster, A. M., Cotten, S. R., Agrawal, S., Mack, E. A., Britt, N., & Liberman, J. (2022). Trucking in the era of COVID-19. American Behavioral Scientist. View PDF (preprint)
3. Agrawal, S., Schuster, A., Britt, N., Liberman, J. & Cotten, S. R., (2021). Expendable to essential? Changing perceptions of gig workers on Twitter in the onset of COVID-19. Information, Communication & Society. (open access)
2. Mack, E. A., Agrawal, S., & Wang, S. (2021). The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on transportation employment: A comparative analysis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 12, 100470. (open access)
1. Mack, E. A., Miller, S. R., Chang, C. H., Van Fossen, J. A., Cotten, S. R., Savolainen, P. T., & Mann, J. (2021). The politics of new driving technologies: Political ideology and autonomous vehicle adoption. Telematics and Informatics, 61, 101604.
White Papers
1. Van Fossen, J. A., Chang, C.-H., Ford, J. K., Mack, E. A., & Cotten, S. R. (2020). Identifying optimal transition careers for drivers displaced due to autonomous vehicles [White paper]. Michigan State University. View PDF
22. Agrawal, S., Watson, G. P., Wang, S., Baker, N., Tidwell, M., Kalani, N., Schuster, A. M., & Cotten, S. R. (2023, November 8-11). Are you For Real?? The research costs of Fraudulent Responses in online survey studies [Conference presentation]. Work, Stress, and Health (WSH) Conference, virtual. View recorded video
21. Baker, N., Van Fossen, J. A., Schuster, A. M., Chang, C., & Ford, J. K. (2023, November 8). Demand-abilities fit and prestige influence older workers’ interest in alternative jobs [Poster]. Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting, Tampa, FL.
20. Mack, E. A., Wang, S., Kalani, N., Tidwell, M., Cotten, S. R., Chang, C., & Ford, J. K. (2023, October 19-21). Truck driver training: Considerations for workforce development [Conference presentation]. Association Collegiate School of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference, Miami, FL.
19. Agrawal, S., Schuster, A. M., Britt, N., Mack, E. A., Tidwell, M., & Cotten, S. (2023, August 9-10). Building on the past to help prepare the workforce for the future with automated vehicles: A systematic review of automated passenger vehicle deployment timelines [Conference presentation]. 5th Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Online Conference, virtual. View session video
18. Van Fossen, J. A., Watson, G. P., Schuster, A. M., Baker, N., Chang, C.-H., & Cotten, S. R. (2023, August 4-8). Paths of identity development and identity archetypes in platform-based gig driving [Conference presentation]. The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA.
17. Schuster, A. M., Agrawal, S., Britt, N., Sperry, D., Van Fossen, J. A., Wang, S., Mack, E. A., Liberman, J., & Cotten, S. R. (2023, January 8-12). Will automated vehicles solve the truck driver shortages? Perspectives from the trucking industry [Paper and poster presentations]. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
16. Wang, S., & Mack, E. A. (2022, November 9-12). Technological change for precarious work: Perception of autonomous vehicles from transportation platform drivers. North American Regional Science Council (NARSC) Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada.
15. Schuster, A. M., Liberman, J., Agrawal, S., Wang, S., Mack, E. A., Sperry, D., Van Fossen, J. A., & Cotten, S. R. (2022, August 5-6). The future of gig work drivers in the era of automated vehicles [Conference presentation]. American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
14. Cotten, S. R., Mack, E. A., Chang, C.-H., Ford, J. K., Savolainen, P., Verboncoeur, J., & Hale, T. (2022, July 18-21). Preparing the Future Workforce for the Era of Automated Vehicles [Roundtable session]. Automated Road Transportation Symposium (ARTS), Garden Grove, CA.
13. Wang, S., Van Fossen, J. A., Mack, E. A., Agrawal, S., Chang, C.-H., Cotten, S. R., & Savolainen, P. (2022, June 7-9). Technological change and the workforce: An occupational perspective [Conference presentation]. The 6th Global Conference on Economic Geography, Dublin, Ireland.
12. Van Fossen, J. A., Schuster, A. M., Sperry, D., Cotten, S. R., & Chang, C.-H. (2022, June 1-3). A qualitative study of selection, retention, and training challenges for truck drivers in the era of automated vehicles [Conference presentation]. 8th annual e-HRM International Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
11. Agrawal, S., Wang, S., Cotten, S. R., Mack, E. A., Chang, C.-H., Ford, J. K., Savolainen, P., Verboncoeur, J., & Hale, T. (2022, January 9-13). NSF project WEAVE: “Preparing the Future Workforce for the Era of Automated Vehicles”: Project overview and preliminary results [Poster presentation]. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C.
10. Agrawal, S., Sperry, S., Britt, N., Cotten, S. R., & Mack, E. A. (2022, January 9-13). Barriers and facilitators to automated vehicle deployment: A review of past and current timeline predictions [Poster presentation]. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C.
9. Mack, E. A., Agrawal, S., & Wang, S. (2022, January 9-13). The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on transportation employment: A comparative analysis [Poster presentation]. 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C.
8. Mack, E. A., Cotten, S. R., Chang, C.-H., Ford, J. K., Savolainen, P., Verboncoeur, J., Hale, T., Schuster, A. M., Agrawal, S., & Wang, S. (2021, December 15). Preparing the Workforce for the Era of Autonomous VEhicles [Conference presentation]. International Association of Transportation Regulators (IATR) Conference, virtual. View PDF or View session video
7. Schuster, A. M., Van Fossen, J. A., Sperry, D., & Cotten, S. R. (2021, November 10-13). Fear, resistance, or anticipation? Older truck drivers’ reactions to the adoption of automated vehicles [Poster presentation]. Gerontological Society of America (GSA) 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting, virtual. View PDF
6. Wang, S., Mack, E. A., Cotten, S. R., Chang, C.-H., Van Fossen, J. A., Agrawal, S., & Baker, N. (2021, November 8-13). Occupational transitions for older workers in an era of technological change [Conference presentation]. 68th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International (NARSC), virtual.
5. Sperry, D., Schuster, A., Cotten, S. R., Agrawal, S., Mack, E. A., Britt, N., & Liberman, J. (2021, August 5-6). Trucking in the era of COVID-19 [Conference presentation]. Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) Online Conference, virtual. View PDF or View session video
4. Sperry, D., Schuster, A., Cotten, S. R. (presenter), Agrawal, S., Mack, E. A., Britt, N., & Liberman, J. (2021, August 5). Trucking during the time of COVID-19 [Conference presentation]. 2021 Media Sociology Symposium (CITAMS), virtual. View PDF
3. Agrawal, S., Schuster, A., Britt, N. (presenter), Liberman, J., & Cotten, S. R. (2021, August 5). Changes in public perception of gig work during the COVID-19 pandemic [Conference presentation]. 2021 Media Sociology Symposium (CITAMS), virtual. View PDF
2. Mack, E. A. (2021, May 25-28). Perceived benefits and concerns of autonomous vehicle adoption [Conference presentation]. 13th World Congress of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI), virtual. View PDF
1. Van Fossen, J. A., Chang, C-H., Ford, J. K., Mack, E. A., & Cotten, S. R. (2020, July 27-30). Transitioning the driving workforce into the era of automated vehicles [Poster session]. 2020 Automated Vehicles Symposium, virtual. View PDF
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