Helping prepare the workforce of tomorrow!


Preparing the Future Workforce for the Era of Automated VEhicles

WEAVE is an interdisciplinary project that aims to understand the impacts that autonomous vehicles will have on employment in the trucking, taxi, and ride-hailing industries, with the goal of preparing workers for this transition. This research investigates the types of new skills that workers will require, how able and willing workers are to adapt, and how automation will impact different groups of workers more so than others.

Watch the webinar summarizing our key project findings


The WEAVE team organized a webinar summarizing the key project findings. View the recorded webinar on YouTube. April 5, 2024.

WEAVE documentary Auto-Mated won an “Award of Excellence” award at Broadcast Education Association Festival of Media Arts Competition and the “Best Short Documentary” award at F3: Queen City Film Festival, Film Curation, & Film Awards! February 16, 2024.

Paige Watson presented our work on the research costs of spam at the Work, Stress, and Health (WSH) conference. View YouTube video. November 11, 2023

Shubham Agrawal presented our research on a systematic review of automated vehicles deployment timelines at the Bridging Transportation Researchers (BTR) online conference. View YouTube video. September 15, 2023